Investigating the Relationships Among Students' Chemistry Motivations, Achievement Goal Orientation, Classroom Engagement, Gender, Class and Positive Teacher Behaviours Through Structural Equation Modeling


  • Fatma Alkan Chemistry Education, Hacettepe University Beytepe/Ankara



Chemistry Motivations, Achievement Goal Orientations, Classroom Engagement, Positive Teacher Behaviours, Structural Equation Modeling.


The study aimed to investigate how high school students' achievement goal orientation, positive teacher behaviour, classroom engagement, gender and class perceptions are related to chemistry motivation. The research was designed using relational survey model. The sample consisted of 688 high school students. Chemistry motivation questionnaire, achievement goal orientations scale, positive teacher behaviours scale and classroom engagement inventory were used as data collection tools. The correlations between the variables were examined using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results showed that there were positive and significant correlations between chemistry motivation and achievement goal orientations, achievement goal orientations and positive teacher behaviours, classroom engagement and positive teacher behaviours. Negative and significant correlations were also found to exist between achievement goal orientation and classroom engagement, positive teacher behaviours and chemistry motivation. Achievement goal orientations and positive teacher behaviours were also found to be significantly related to class engagement.


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How to Cite

Fatma Alkan. (2020). Investigating the Relationships Among Students’ Chemistry Motivations, Achievement Goal Orientation, Classroom Engagement, Gender, Class and Positive Teacher Behaviours Through Structural Equation Modeling. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 10(2), 188–205.


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