Teaching Mathematics Virtually in Higher Education Amidst the Pandemic: A Phenomenological Inquiry
Higher Education Mathematics, Mathematics Teachers, Phenomenological Inquiry, Qualitative Method, Virtual TeachingAbstract
In light of the pandemic brought about by COVID-19, classes have shifted from physical to virtual. There was an abrupt change in the methodologies and sudden adjustments in the teaching and learning process. It led to various problems, especially in mathematics, where teachers required more board work and supplemental activities to ensure student learning. This study aims to assess the different experiences of mathematics teachers in higher education. Employing a qualitative method, particularly the phenomenological research design, participants from the mathematics department in a higher education institution participated in the interviews. Thematic data analysis reveals five themes. These are the teachers who have difficulty in teaching and presenting the topics; there was not enough interaction from students; slow internet connection became a big problem; there is a need for more digital infrastructure; and teachers had to be flexible and lenient. This study implies that mathematics teachers at the tertiary level are continually providing the learning that the students need despite the absence of face-to-face classes. The study reveals the diversity of efforts amidst the pressure and anxiety brought about by the pandemic.
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