A Qualitative Analysis of School Administrators’ and Teachers’ Opinions on School Culture: A Case of Baku


  • Bahtiyar Aliyev English Teacher, Ganja, Azerbaijan.
  • Nihan Demirkasımoglu Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Hacettepe University Ankara, Turkey.




School Culture, Organizational Culture, School Administrators, Teachers, Baku


This study attempts to assess teachers’ and school administrators’ perspectives on school culture in Baku through a phenomenological approach. The participants consist of four volunteer school administrators and 20 teachers. Data for the study is collected through face-to-face interviews via a semi-structured interview form developed. Findings were analysed under seven themes using thematic data analysis. Results show that the school culture helps to create a commitment to school, instills responsibility, socialising with people, builds identity, and discovers students’ skills. The main barriers to developing a positive school culture are excessive workload, financial problems in the school, the intervention of the parents in the school, infrastructure problems, and frequent changes of teachers and administrators. Results also show that conducting activities inside and outside school, motivating teachers and students, and communicating with parents are essential for developing the school culture.


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How to Cite

Aliyev, B., & Demirkasımoglu, N. (2022). A Qualitative Analysis of School Administrators’ and Teachers’ Opinions on School Culture: A Case of Baku. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 12(2), 338–364. https://doi.org/10.52634/mier/2022/v12/i2/2296


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