
  • Sunanta Klibthong Research Scholar, Department of Education, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
  • Joseph Agbenyega Senior Lecturer, Department of Education, Monash University, Victoria, Australia




Problem Based Learning, Inclusive Community, Postmodernist Perspective.


This paper gives an account of a teacher preparation program in which a problem based learning approach was used to enact inclusive learning among student teachers. Taking a postmodernist perspective, the student teachers' experiences of participation in group activities on a problem-based scenario in an Australian university was documented through chat-rooms, online postings and reflective journal writings. Knowledge about peer interaction and communities of learning relationship, reflective practice and opportunity to manage difference and question the status quo are areas that were highlighted by the students. We concluded that problem-based learning is transformative and that whatever teacher educators expect their student teachers to do in their teaching contexts when they graduate, they need to give them the opportunity to practise these in their learning during training.


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How to Cite

Sunanta Klibthong, & Joseph Agbenyega. (2012). LEARNING INCLUSIVELY IN HIGHER EDUCATION: A PROBLEM-BASED APPROACH. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 2(1), 105–121. https://doi.org/10.52634/mier/2012/v2/i1/1588





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