
  • Moolraj Sharma Senior Lecturer, MIER College of Education, Jammu
  • Arun K Gupta Model Institute of Education and Research




Effectiveness of Electronic Classroom, Technology in Teaching General Science.


This paper is based on a research to understand the effectiveness of a new teaching methodology i.e. an ‘Electronic Classroom’ adopted by the teachers in a school for teaching General Science. In this study, a Students Questionnaire on Effectiveness of Electronic Classroom (SQEEC) was developed and validated on a selected sample of students from a secondary school where this technology has been introduced and implemented for teaching and learning. The paper provides the background information related to the setup of an electronic classroom and its importance in the teaching of General Science. SQEEC was found to be a reliable and valid tool for assessing the effectiveness of the electronic classroom. Results of the study show that the electronic classroom as a methodology was found to be effective for teaching General Science in terms of improved achievement levels of the students and on the basis of their grade and age levels. However, no significant differences were found to exist between different groups of students on the basis of their gender.


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How to Cite

Moolraj Sharma, & Arun K Gupta. (2012). EFFECTIVENESS OF ELECTRONIC CLASSROOM FOR TEACHING GENERAL SCIENCE AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 2(1), 66–85. https://doi.org/10.52634/mier/2012/v2/i1/1585





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