Achievement Motivation of Foreign Students Pursuing Technical and Non-Technical Courses in LPU: A Cross Cultural Study


  • Snehlata Verma School of Education, Apeejay Stya University, Gurgaon
  • Anju Bala School of Education, Lovely Professional University, Punjab



Achievement Motivation, Technical and Non Technical Courses, Cross Cultural.


Achievement motivation is the desire to achieve a standard of excellence, to do well for the sake of doing well rather than for extrinsic reward. It has been noticed by behavioural scientists that people have an intense desire to achieve something, while others may not seem that concerned about their achievement. In the present research, descriptive survey method and purposive sampling technique was used. The investigator collected data from twenty five (25) foreign students selected purposively from Engineering, Computer Sciences and Paramedical Sciences from Lovely Professional University to constitute a total sample of 50 students under technical courses. Similarly, 25 students have been selected purposively from Education, Humanities and Management to constitute a total sample of 50 students under professional courses. Deo Mohan Achievement Motivation Scale developed by Deo and Mohan (1985) has been used for the research work. The results reflect that the students enrolled in technical and professional courses possess moderate level of achievement motivation. However, they do not differ in their achievement motivation level. Hence, it can be concluded that nature of courses and achievement motivation of the students are not interrelated.


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How to Cite

Verma, S., & Bala, A. (2014). Achievement Motivation of Foreign Students Pursuing Technical and Non-Technical Courses in LPU: A Cross Cultural Study. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 4(2), 195–209.





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