Female School Principals: Challenges and Coping Strategies


  • Faiza Adil Gonaim Department of Admiration and Educational Leadership, University of Jeddah




School Principals, Leadership, Challenges, Coping Strategies.


The principal happens to be the central figure in any school, an individual who has the greatest influence on the quality of teaching and learning. However, principals face various challenges that could weaken their performance or trap them in a depressive state. Fortunately, inventing and using smart strategies allows female school principals to cope with the challenges that they face, as this study demonstrates. The study aimed to identify the challenges faced by women school principals and the strategies that they apply to overcome or at least reduce the effects of these challenges. The findings of this study can help in improving awareness among policymakers regarding the experiences of female principals in Saudi Arabia and in prioritising the challenges that they face.


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How to Cite

Faiza Adil Gonaim. (2018). Female School Principals: Challenges and Coping Strategies. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 8(2), 223–238. https://doi.org/10.52634/mier/2018/v8/i2/1398





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