Intrapersonal Intelligence and Decision-Making Ability of Higher Secondary School Students


  • Pranab Barman Assistant Professor, Dept. of Education, Raiganj University, West Bengal, India
  • Asim Roy Lecturer, Dept. of Education; Arambagh Girls College, Hoogly, West Bengal, India



Intrapersonal Intelligence, Decision Making Ability, Higher Secondary School Sctudents


The study aims to explore the level and relationship between intrapersonal intelligence and the decision-making ability of higher secondary school students. The study employed a survey-based quantitative method. The sample includes 500 higher secondary level school students in West Bengal, India. The investigators applied two self-made questionnaires, one for measuring intrapersonal intelligence and another for measuring decision-making ability. The results reveal that gender (3.22, p<0.01) and stream (4.05, p<0.001) have significant influences on the intrapersonal intelligence of the higher secondary school students. Decision-making Ability has a statistically significant and positive association with intrapersonal intelligence (0.42, p<0.001). Results show that all the four dimensions of intrapersonal intelligence, i.e., self-awareness (2.871, p<0.01), self-retrospection (2.540, p<0.01), self-regard (5.265, p<0.001), and self-adaptation (4.983, p<0.001) significantly increase the decision- making ability of the higher secondary school students.


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How to Cite

Barman, P. ., & Roy, A. . (2021). Intrapersonal Intelligence and Decision-Making Ability of Higher Secondary School Students. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 11(2), 343–367.


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