
  • Vaibhav Chauhan Research Scholar, Faculty of Education, Dayalbagh Educational Institute. Agra (U.P.)
  • Sadhna Sharma Research Scholar, Faculty of Education, Dayalbagh Educational Institute. Agra (U.P.)
  • Nandita Satsangee Professor, Dept. of Foundations of Education, Faculty of Education, Dayalbagh Educational Institute. Agra (U.P.)




Leadership Approach, Consciousness, Transformational Leadership.


The present empirical study was designed to explore the relationship between the leadership approach of teacher trainees and their level of consciousness. A descriptive survey was conducted on 100 teacher trainees (both male & female in the ratio of 1:1). The level of consciousness of teacher trainees was assessed using Consciousness Quotient Inventory (CQ-i) by Brazdau (2011). To assess the leadership approach Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-6S) by Bass and Avolio (1992) was used. The relationship between scores on seven leadership factors (comprising three leadership approaches) and the level of consciousness was studied using Pearson's product moment correlation. Results indicate a significant positive correlation to a varying degree between consciousness and three leadership approaches .


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How to Cite

Vaibhav Chauhan, Sadhna Sharma, & Nandita Satsangee. (2013). LEADERSHIP APPROACH IN RELATION TO LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS: A CORRELATIONAL ANALYSIS. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 3(2), 249–260. https://doi.org/10.52634/mier/2013/v3/i2/1550





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