
  • Cintamulya University of PGRI Ronggolawe, East Java




Cognitive Style, Case Study, Environmental Issues, Impulsive, Reflective.


The present study focuses on making the students aware about various environmental issues by using case studies. The ability of students to reveal their findings about environmental issues has been developed through scientific literature, one of which was writing scientific articles. Each student has a different thinking style or cognitive style, so the possibilities in terms of scientific writing can be different. A cognitive style is shown in individuals receiving, processing and organizing information, and presenting the information based on the experiences they have had. This study aimed to describe the ability of the students who have a reflective or impulsive cognitive style to write a scientific article as a result of employing case studies on environmental issues. To achieve these objectives, the research involved the students of biology education UNIROW Tuban class of 2011. The ability to write scientific articles was analysed descriptively and included: title, credit lines, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions and bibliography. To measure the reflective vs impulsive cognitive styles, the study used the MFFT (Matching Familiar Figure Test) instrument which was designed and developed by Warli (2010). The results showed that the ability of students who had a reflective cognitive style to write scientific articles tended to follow the rules, except when they were writing a bibliography. Therefore, there was a difference between students who write with a reflective cognitive style and students who write with an impulsive cognitive style in terms of their ability to write a scientific article as the result of case studies about environmental issues.


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How to Cite

Cintamulya. (2017). ABILITY OF STUDENTS WITH REFLECTIVE AND IMPULSIVE COGNITIVE STYLES IN WRITING A SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 7(2), 135–145. https://doi.org/10.52634/mier/2017/v7/i2/1410





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