Determinants of Students Satisfaction in Private Universities: A Case of Pakistan


  • Ammara Awais The University of Lahore
  • Ramiz Ur Rehman The University of Lahore
  • Muhammad Ishfaq The University of Lahore
  • Muhammad Akram Naseem The University of Lahore



Students Satisfaction, Social Aspect and Academic Aspect.


Currently, Pakistan is facing serious challenges. Education is one of these. Education plays significant role in the development of any country. Pakistan's economic survey (2016-2017) reveals that its literacy rate has decreased from 60% to 58% which is alarming. No doubt this situation has prevailed due to insufficient educational institutions but the students' dissatisfaction in the existing educational institutions is also the reason for this downfall. This study addressed this issue by utilizing primary data collected from five private sector universities in particular. The results showed that higher education not only focusses on the academic aspect (measured through sixteen items) for the students but on the social aspect (measured through seventeen items) also as the later contributes towards the student satisfaction levels.


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How to Cite

Ammara Awais, Ramiz Ur Rehman, Muhammad Ishfaq, & Muhammad Akram Naseem. (2019). Determinants of Students Satisfaction in Private Universities: A Case of Pakistan. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 9(1), 33–49.





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