Effectiveness of Techno-Pedagogical Skills of Secondary School Teachers on Online Teaching During Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Chiranjit Setua Research Scholar, Department of Education, Central University of Jharkhand




Effective Online Teaching, Secondary School Teachers, TechnoPedagogical Skill


This study investigates the effectiveness of techno-pedagogical skills of secondary school teachers in their online teaching. A sample consists of 42 CBSE and ICSE secondary school teachers. The research adopts a descriptive survey design for collecting data using the “Techno-Pedagogical Skill Assessment Scale” developed by Sibichen (2011). Structured interviews also formed a part of data collection. The results reveal a moderately positive correlation between techno-pedagogical skills and effective online teaching. There is a significant difference between the high level and low level of techno-pedagogical skills of secondary school teachers with their effective online teaching. The positive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the techno-pedagogical skill of secondary school teachers is reported in the study.


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How to Cite

Setua, C. (2022). Effectiveness of Techno-Pedagogical Skills of Secondary School Teachers on Online Teaching During Covid-19 Pandemic. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 12(1), 171–183. https://doi.org/10.52634/mier/2022/v12/i1/1842





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